Tuesday, January 17, 2012

January 18th 2012

My comments about being unseasonably warm we obviously made too soon.
10.2C 2 nights ago and 11C last night, coldest I've ever seen in Chiang Mai.

Dunno what all the fuss about global warming is, seems to be getting colder everywhere, year on year.

Dirt tomatoes have some fruit, looking forward to making Bolognese sauce with them and some Thai Basil from the AP.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Jan 15th 2012

Things really starting to take off now in the GB's
All Tilapia still alive as are the Koi.
Found out that Tilapia love to eat Pak Chi (some strain of very very fragrant coriander)

Most of the stuff ordered for the expansion, due within 2 weeks, but then again that's Thai 2 weeks, not holding my breath.

The DIY mushroom experiments are romping along, expecting some mushrooms soon, which will be nice.

Unseasonably warm at night still in Chiang Mai, rarely dropping below 20C, even had some rain, which doesn't happen often in this season.

Picture updates of the expansion as soon as the bits arrive.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

January 4th 2012

Very little going on, added some more Tilapia yesterday to replace the ones that died due to the river water top-up.
All alive this morning and eating like hell.
One even manage to leap the 1 meter guard around the tank, put back in quickly and it's still alive.
Uncharacteristically warm in Chiang Mai tonight, midnight and still 23C, good for Tilapia FCR and growth, hope it continues.
Planted some Melons in one of the GB's (Deng Thai - แตงไทย) - Germinated very well and growing quickly.
Tomatoes starting to pick up now, think I finally have some No3 in the system.
CBA to check though, it happens when it happens.
All well and good being scientific about it, but if you can't change it, why bother ;)